Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Jury Is Still Out....

A few weeks ago when the weather was crummy I took the kids to the mall to get rid of some pent-up energy. There happened to be a Mom's event with several air filled jumping "houses" (what ARE those things called?) for the kids- which, unfortunately, proved to be absolutely terrifying for my kids. While there I happened to put my name into a drawing for a $50 gift basket from J.C. Penney salon. And guess who won? I could barely believe it! The basket had several Big, Sexy Hair care products and a bright red nail polish from O.P.I. Lots of fun!!!

Recently I've been wondering if Lydia has been secretly helping herself to my Big, Sexy Hair products. I've been collecting evidence to support my theory. What do you think?


Kate said...

Oh my word that is funny! She is too cute with that crazy hair!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! I love all those pictures of Lydia with wild hair!

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

Too funny! Congrats on winning the basket! So fun!

Tricia@onceamonthmom.com said...

So who is her stylist anyway? I am looking for a new do and thinking that this might be the one!

jenny said...

Oh, Marisa, these pics gave me a good laugh. Her hair is hilarious!