Saturday, May 22, 2010


Recently my brother's family moved from Michigan to accept a job in the city where we live. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to have them nearby! I've had the chance to spend some time with my nephews and it's been so much fun! I've never had them all to myself before!

One day it was cold enough to wear sweatshirts and hats and two days later we were all in shorts enjoying icy-pops!

Little A.

Mr. G

Tough-man H.

Aren't they adorable?!

A little treat to cool off! Poor little A. kept trying to eat mine.

Apparently, this was Mr. G's first icy-pop. A born natural, wouldn't you say?

We also had a 3 day visit from my sister, Jenn, and her four kiddos. As per tradition, it rained everyday... except for the day they left to return home. It's almost become comical... almost. We still had a great time!

Unfortunately, we have nary a picture to show... maybe next time.


FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Awesome! Looks like the kiddos were having some fun!

jenny said...

Yay....glad you are back to blogging! :) I love the new header. Looking forward to seeing you Monday.

Unknown said...

AHHHH! I love those boys! ♥

Love the new header!