Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Call To Recess

"When [children] are bored or just tired of being alone, they instinctively head out for recess. And a few seconds later, Mom or Dad feel a tug and hear the words, 'Will you play with me?' This question has traditionally and incorrectly been thought of as an interruption. It's not. It's an invitation to recess. Whenever possible, even if it's just for a few minutes, accept your children's invitation to recess." Parenting at the Speed of Life: 60 Ways to Capture Time with Your Kids by Rick Osborne

For more thoughts on cherishing time with your kids read this touching post from MckMama.


FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Thanks for the reminder, I need to remember this more! And that is such a sweet pic!

donna said...

I like recess too. Children are so special. They keep us in touch with what is real in life. God bless.

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

Thanks for the reminder! I've been working on that myself.