Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This past week has been a journey of disappointment and sadness...

I miscarried our baby at 9 weeks.

Initially I wasn't going to mention this on my blog. Sometimes it's easier to put a difficult situation in a pretty little box and shove it in the back corner of your closet and leave at least one area of your life protected from the sadness. But as I thought it through I want to be able to help someone else who may have experienced the same situation. And, ultimately, I want to bring glory to God, the One who has comforted us and sustained us through this time.

We were so excited for this new addition to our family! When I started having complications the doctor performed an ultrasound and we saw a perfect, tiny little heartbeat. He thought we had a chance to keep this little one. At home on bedrest we prayed, but also prepared our hearts that we might lose our baby. We were surrounded by love and prayers of our wonderful family and friends. Within 24 hrs the baby was gone. We certainly don't understand why, but we KNOW we can trust the Lord with our lives and the lives of our children.

This passage has brought great comfort to me over the last few days:

13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and your dominion endures through all generations.
The LORD is faithful to all his promises
and loving toward all he has made.

14 The LORD upholds all those who fall
and lifts up all who are bowed down.

15 The eyes of all look to you,
and you give them their food at the proper time.

16 You open your hand
and satisfy the desires of every living thing.

17 The LORD is righteous in all his ways
and loving toward all he has made.

18 The LORD is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth.

19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them.

(photo courtesy of: photobucket-missjessica86)


~joanne said...

Thank you sharing this burden on your ♥!

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

What a great perspective. Your heart is amazing. We are thinking and praying for you guys...let us know if there is anything we can do. Chat w/ you soon...

Unknown said...

Love you sis! Big hugs and lots of prayers for you!

Brandy said...

Still praying for you and your family, Marisa!

Kate said...

Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your heart as you process through this storm. We continue to pray for you and for His peace to sustain you.

CarrieMarie said...

Just happened across this post. *HUGS* I'm sorry for your loss, but praise the Lord you know Him and allow Him to comfort you. Thank you for sharing that passage of Scripture as well.


jenny said...

So glad you shared this here! You are such a dear sister in Christ to me and I feel blessed by your commitment to Christ even in the midst of hardship. Love you...and continuing to lift you and Brian up in prayer.