I tell ya, I'm having a hard time making time for this little blog. Between work, homeschooling, yard work, house work, family time, being in my 3rd trimester and trying my darndest to maintain friendships there isn't much time left.
But there are some things that are so cute (to me, anyway) they must be shared....
even if it is over a week later.
We recently decided to take the kids to get bikes. We've given Lucas several opportunities up to this point- even going so far as to take him to try out a bunch of bikes- and he always turned us down. Not this time. So long story short we came home with two smokin' bikes for the kids. They were so excited!
Brian and I decided since it ended up costing more than we anticipated we would consider the bikes a big chunk of their Christmas gift. We will still get them a few things in December, but this takes a lot of shopping pressure off of me. This brings much relief to me since our babe will be joining us during the Christmas season.
Here are a few pictures of the kids first time out:

Aren't they cute? Of course, I think they are absolutely adorable.
The unfortunate part is right after the last picture was taken Lydia cruised on by Daddy, veered left and bit the dust as her training wheels dropped off the pavement. A certain somebody was caught up in the moment of "capturing the moment" and didn't realize Lydia didn't quite have a handle on using her brakes. I felt so bad!!! Her little knees were so scraped up and she seems quite intimidated by her bike now. I am hoping that this will resolve itself or this momma will feel awful.