**It is not wise to get on the internet first thing in the morning. Time moves exponentially faster.
**My darling new son is the Houdini of diaper leaks. Four different outfits in 3 hours. Apparently my "tucking" and "cinching" skills have gotten a bit rusty.
**Breakfast at 10am and lunch at 3pm does not do a body good, especially when said lunch consists solely of Bill's Donuts.
**It's not always wise to indulge in a craving even though it's been haunting your thoughts for weeks. (see above :))
**Being in my pajamas until noon... or later... is not all that uncommon anymore.
**Housework CAN wait.
**The "baby blues" really stink. Temporary insanity must be instated. It makes you cry because your baby turned 2 weeks old and he's growing up way too fast! (Don't worry... I'm doing OK :))
**I have been blessed with the best family and friends.
** I really can give up coffee and dairy (again!) for my little man.
**There are some mighty fine teas out there for this momma's wake up routine. My favorites right now- Earl Grey, Cinnamon Rooibos, Spiced Rooibos... YUM!
**I'm finding it's almost easier to find clothing in a heaping laundry basket than a dresser drawer. Please excuse the wrinkles.
** My kids have a built in radar for anytime I'm on the phone or I attempt to read my Bible.
**I'm getting really good at typing with one hand!
**The song playing on TV is..."Every Dinosaur Poops". Hmmm... time to do something a little more productive. Ha! No pun intended!
**I am SO loving being a mom to 3. As crazy as it is right now, it still feels so right.
**God is so good. God is so faithful. Even when we can't see Him working.