Monday, January 24, 2011

One Month... (and Change).

Well, the little one turned one month old last week. Officially, I guess he's 5 weeks tomorrow. But, hey, lets go with the day of the month. It'll make it easier. I'm a little behind, but that's just the way things are right now.

I can't believe how quickly time has passed! I will be returning to work next week (SOB!!). Please pray for my sanity. I'm still trying to get this mom-to-three thing and then to take 20 hours a week away will make it a little more crazy. I know we will definitely find our own rhythm. It may not be until 2012, but we will get there. But I do truly love having this little guy around even when it makes for a little chaos.

Today during my brief quiet time- I think there was a certain someone attached to me at the time- I prayed that God would lead me to a verse that would calm my anxious heart. (The thought of returning to work has been really hard. Darn insurance!) And this is the verse He led me to:

Psalm 73: 26 "My heart and flesh may fail,
But God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever"

I love that! The STRENGTH of my heart. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, because when I think, " I can't", His power is made perfect in my weak and failing flesh.


jenny said...

Oh, he is just so sweet! Such a cute pic! Praying for you, friend! I know you are dreading going back to work....I'll pray for His peace! Love u!

Kate said...

Can't believe how fast time goes and he's already 5 weeks old! What a sweet little face. Praying for you, my friend!

Amber said...

i feel like he really looks like lucas in that pic. what a handsome boy he is! praying for you as you wrestle with this work stuff. love you much!

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

What a precious face! You know my heart--it breaks with you. However, I KNOW you can find the balance and strength you need. He Who has called you is faithful and He will provide what you need when you need it (the voice of experience here). Love you, sister! So happy you have this boy and so happy to have you in my life even from across the country!

Unknown said...

I'm praying for you! LOVE you!

KT said...

Yay, his eyes are open! ;) Miss you all!

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

He is just so sweet! Praying for you, and looking forward to seeing you all this weekend!