Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Today marks a year when in the wee hours of the morning our sweet boy was born. He was laid in my arms and for the third time in my life I thought I'd never seen anything more precious. To think, after our miscarriages we decided to try just once more. And look at what God's gracious hand gave us. We know he is a gift. He belongs to God, as do our other kids. He is not ours to selfishly hold on to, but it raise up to bring glory to Him. I'm just so incredibly grateful that He chose us, in His perfect plan, to have such precious gift. Thank you, Lord.

Ethan, you are:
  • My sweet rascal. You are laid back, yet determined. I don't know how those two character traits coexist, but you pull it off! Curious should be your middle name.
  • You are a jokster. You tease me already in your own little way.
  • I love it when you smile and crinkle your nose. Oh, it warms my heart!
  • You love the outdoors more than any other place! Absolute glee exudes from you when we step outside to play.
  • You are quite the conversationalist. I love your jibber-jabber.
  • I cherish our snuggle time. Your silky hair on my cheek is good medicine.
  • ...and your laugh is music.
Happiest of birthdays to you! We love you!


Kate said...

And you forgot to mention that he is so stinkin' adorable it is hard to handle! Happy Birthday to one sweet guy!

John and Katie said...

Happy Birthday Ethan! What a precious boy!

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

How did he get to be one already?! Looking forward to meeting him someday. He sure does seem like a sweetie!

jenny said...

Happy birthday sweet Ethan! So thankful for the gift God gave your family in that sweet boy!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to one of my "favoritist" little men ever!

Amber said...

You just want to squeeze him!!! Happy Birthday to that lil cutie pie!

saree said...
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Jan Loyd said...

So sweet!!!!