Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Garage Sale Goodness

Pretty little ruby slippers for Lydia. Brand new: $2

A little bike to end the fights over the Big Wheel: $5 (This little idea backfired on me. This is now the coveted mode of transportation.)

Scary bird picture: $1

A lovely little trick to play on Brian. I let him believe I bought because I wanted to hang it above our fireplace. I actually bought this canvas to use for the kids to repaint. I was completely inspired by this idea.

I found it comical that the ladies at the garage sale kept commenting how cute they thought this bird painting was. As in, "I can't believe Edna is selling this painting! He is adorable!" Yet they did not snatch him out of the sale for their very own... and they let him go for 50% off. Take a good look, because he won't be around for very long.


FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Ooohhh I love garage sales! Hope to hit some this thursday. Looks like you got some great deals! I have also been wanting to let the girls do some canvas painting. Can't wait to see how they turn out!

Kate said...

I love garage sale finds! And those shoes are too cute. Have fun with the canvas painting!

Unknown said...

What fun! You'll have to post the final product.

The Queen of Fifty Cents said...

I really like that bird and I'm sorry you're going to paint over him--must be related to the little old ladies at your sale!

Marisa said...

Oh! I didn't mean to offend! He really looks better in the picture than in person, but I'm sure that there are things i would love that you might think I was crazy. Our differences is what makes life more exciting.

LanieChuang said...

Oh that scary bird...I think I had a dream about it the other night. I can't wait to see what the kids come up with!

The Queen of Fifty Cents said...

Hi Marisa--not to worry, no offense taken! I know this style of art won't appeal to everyone; I just enjoyed this bird's scruffiness. I'm just glad you're teaching your kids the good values that come with shopping at garage sales, and reusing and recycling!

Jeni said...

Love those shoes! What a great deal. Good seeing you tonight.

~*Michelle*~ said...

*high five* for the garage sale scores...I actually use my husbands GPS to map out my Saturday mornings.....

I just love them!

Love the painting/canvas idea....