Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Fourth Birthday to You!

There you are! Always looking to make others laugh- so silly! You are sweet and compassionate and you find joy in the little things in life. You are helpful and encouraging!

Lucas, you've grown leaps and bounds this past year! What a joy it has been to see your speech and personality really flourish. It is a delight to spend time talking with you. You make us laugh everyday. Your hugs and kisses are a treasure.

You captured our hearts 4 years ago, and being your mom had been the greatest blessing. You have helped me mature spiritually and emotionally. You have stretched and honed the weak and sinful places in my life. I am so, so blessed that God chose to place you in our family.

I love you more than words could say! Happy Birthday, Bud!


Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

Happy birthday, Lucas!

Amber said...

Happy Birthday to Lucas! I hope he has a wonderfully fun day :)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, bud! Aunt Jenny loves you!

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Happy Birthday to your little man!! Hope you have a great day!!

LanieChuang said...

Happy Birthday Lucas!!!

jenny said...

Hope Lucas had a great day! What a sweet boy and what great things God has done in his life this past year!